
To the stars once more genshin
To the stars once more genshin

He's the guide you've been looking for, who'll take you up to see Ningguang. Wander on back to the site of the Rite of Parting, climb the steps to the building ahead, and talk to Bu'yun on the left. Head to Dunyu Ruins to grab the ingredients. as Paimon substitutes for a genuine recipe. As Keqing will have explained, just head back to Liyue Harbor and find the guide at Yuehai Pavilion. Getting up to the Jade Chamber ultimately isn't as hard as it looks. Piece together the snack, and you're ready for your meeting with Ningguang.

to the stars once more genshin

Head to Liyue Harbor to collect your gift box. Paimon will request a gift box from the man as your second "ingredient", with the third being the middle Sweet Flower by the tree right by you. Turns out he's a supplier for the Mingxing Jewellery in Liyue Harbor.

#To the stars once more genshin free

Defeat the Treasure Hoarders and use the Cage Key the drop to free the Meng Dan.

to the stars once more genshin

Kill the Hydro Slime for the first, and the spot housing the second will trigger another cutscene. You'll be instructed to find three ingredients, but only two spots will show up on the map. Sugar-Frosted Slime, a snack Paimon dreamt of the night before, is apparently the ticket. One certain bit of info from here is that Ningguang will be expecting a greeting gift, so off you go to find one.

to the stars once more genshin

As a member of the Liyue Qixing, she has a little insight as to why Ninggaung has requested your presence, She thinks you're just being requested to not side fully with the Adepti when it comes to dealing with the drama surround Rex Lapis. After the confrontation, Keqing will make her grand debut.

To the stars once more genshin