Here you can add a lightwarp texture, control reflectivity of the material or use seamless scale for displacements. Blend tint by base alpha uses diffuse alpha channel as color tint mask (works only on models in CS:GO). Color is for LightmappedGeneric and color 2 for VertexLitGeneric. Default detail blend mode is similar to overlay, meaning neutral gray has no effect.

Note that non-uniform scale is not implemented yet. Should be pretty self explanatory, adds a detail texture over the whole material, scales higher than 1 mean smaller than diffuse and lower than 1 mean larger than diffuse. Check Decal if you plan to use the material as decal or overlay. Additive doesn't need an alpha channel, black is see through and white is solid (like Photoshop). You can control the cutoff point with threshold. Transparency is smooth but has sorting issues that alpha test solves, but has hard edges - used for foliage and such. Opacity controls the overall opacity of material, transparent and alpha test use diffuse alpha channel. Top-to-bottom these groups are: Transparency, Detail, Color, Other, Reflection, Self Illumination, Specular and Misc. menu item, or you can add any missing parameters under the Additional parameters tab. This is the toolbar that contains shortcuts for the most used parameter groups, I use only these in 95% of cases. Most of the time this would be either LightmappedGeneric for brush textures and decals, WorldVertexTransition for displacement blend materials or VertexLitGeneric for model materials. Here you select the shader, depending on the use of your material. Here's a quick explanation for some of the parameters: